Bloom Into Happiness


Let's meet YOUR new best friend!

Striving to be the perfect clinician for your patients but living with high self-criticism and self-doubt? Feeling the pressures of being PERFECT at everything? Living in fear of receiving a complaint, life and work feel overwhelming and you don’t feel a good enough clinician anymore.

It’s time to come off the hamster wheel! Following this workshop you will leave with tools to showing up within your practice, fully connected with your compassionate self, your new best friend.

It's time to nourish our compassionate selves to bloom within us to be able to serve our patients compassionately.

Bloom with Compassion- Group Workshop

As healthcare professionals we widely recognise the importance of patient’s well-being and their mental health, and it is an ethical requirement that we always act in the best interest of all of our patients. We have to be accountable for this. Yet, are we acting in the best interest of ourselves so that we can always thrive as healthcare professionals? Are we accountable for doing so?
The self-doubt, the fear of making a mistake and receiving a complaint, the pressures of being perfect.

I see them and I hear them because I have known them to live within me too. I UNDERSTAND!

Aiming for perfection and juggling all the roles, as a busy specialist dentist, a mum, wife, daughter, friend and many more. I get it because I have walked that path. And in showing up perfectly for everyone around me, made me constantly doubt myself. I was tired of hearing the constant chatter from my inner critic. I paused, reflected, and concluded that I had to support my well-being to be able to serve those around me.

So now, I am here to equip you with tools to kick your inner critic out and invite a friendship with your compassionate self.
It’s time to show yourself some compassion so you can serve others with compassion.

We live in a world where we generously sprinkle kindness onto others but we forget to be kind to ourselves.

My compassionate self is here to support yours!!

real talk:

How It Works

Initial discussion with the team manager to discuss the day.


One day in person interactive workshop leading to 6 hours of CPD. Where together you will leave with tools to invite compassion within yourself and your team to be able to serve your patients with more compassion.


The workshop aims to provide you with skills to compassionately show up in your practice and keep your self-critic on a bench, therefore keeping you motivated to  create a successful practice where you serve your patients as your best version.


Seven years ago, I was broke and broken and tired and overwhelmed.

Even though I was a specialist dentist living in the UK and my life seemed like I had everything I wanted, I felt stuck and overwhelmed. The pressures of trying to be a perfect daughter, perfect wife, and perfect dentist, living a perfect life, left me feeling lonelier and filled with anxiety. It fuelled my self-doubt and self- criticism every day. It left me feeling broken and empty, and I felt like I couldn’t get anything right.

Then one day after a panic attack, I had enough of feeling overwhelmed. I needed more from the high achieving path that was paved for me. I needed more from life and my career, and I knew there was more out there. My soul craved time away from the constant chatter of my inner critic. I know through my own experience that by cultivating a deep friendship with my compassionate self, everything else around me changed as a result.

Through a journey of self-healing and many years of extensive training and self-development I have embodied the many powerful skills that I'm here to share with you.

i can help because i've been there


Here's What You Need

Kick the self-doubt on the back side

It’s exhausting trying to be perfect! Being self-compassionate invites you to break barriers which are sometimes self-created, bringing freedom to show up as your authentic self, to serve your patients.

Stop the constant chatter from your inner critic

By inviting your compassionate self in your daily routines, you will support your well-being and thrive as a healthcare professional.

FEEL Happy and fulfilled SHOWING UP at work and in your life

The highs and lows of life and work will continue to come your way, but when you show up from a space aligned with your compassionate self, it's all smooth sailing.
Let's meet YOU, the person who will change your life!

Workshop Objectives:

By the end of the workshop you should be able to:

• Understand what self-compassion is and its benefits.

• Understand practices that stimulate compassionate mental states.

• Understand how to build a sense of the compassionate self-identity.

• Understand various mindfulness practices and the use of five senses.

• Understand how to use compassionate mental states and sense a grounded compassionate self to address problems such as self-criticism and shame.

• Understand how to bring self-compassion practices within your work and daily routine.

“I thought I would never be a good enough dentist. This workshop has opened my eyes to endless possibilities. I am now able to serve myself to be able to serve my patients. Its brilliant!"

- CB


Show up in your practice and life, fully embracing & connecting to your compassionate self.

How does this sound?

Build a compassionate self-identity and say goodbye to your inner critic.



Workshop outcome:

Surround yourself with the amazing ripple effect that comes from embracing your compassionate self.


Kick that self-doubt in the booty and feel confident.


Gain insights and simple practical tools that support you to navigate work and life with your compassionate self.


“My mission is to connect you to your soul’s light so that you can live your most authentic and happy life filled with deep meaningful connections. Let me be the sun and warmth for the garden of your soul to bloom.”

Your pursuit of perfectionism keeps you awake at night.

You want to serve your patients efficiently but also don’t want to burn out.

You're so tired of the endless running and need simple tools that will help.

You're consumed with self-doubt and constantly worry about the decisions your make.

You need support to live a Life filled with happiness and compassion.

Is this workshop right for You and Your team?

Enquire →

Not everyone is the right fit. But if you answered yes to any of the above I might be able to help!

Get in touch and let me hold the space for your compassionate self to bloom.

Book Your Workshop

is that a yes?

Get in touch

Prices will vary depending on the size of your team. Please get in touch to discuss this further.

Most importantly your time and commitment to the process.

Your Investment

- Jack Kornfield