Bloom Into Happiness


Aditi Bhalla

Seven years ago, I was reminded again how I wasn’t good enough.
Even though I was a specialist dentist living in the UK and my life seemed like I had everything I wanted, I lived with an inner belief that I did not matter. I felt stuck and overwhelmed in this perfect life I had worked so hard to create. I was promised happiness when I achieved my goals, but where was it?

Is this it? I often asked myself. I had lost my sense of direction.

The pressures of trying to be a perfect daughter, perfect wife, and perfect dentist. Trying to live a perfect life left me feeling lonelier and filled with anxiety. It fuelled my self-doubt and self-criticism every day. It left me feeling broken and empty, and I felt like I couldn’t get anything right. Following a massive panic attack one day, I had enough of feeling overwhelmed. I needed more from the medical high achieving path that was paved for me. I needed more from life, and I knew there was more out there. This is where my healing journey began.

I was always a maverick, questioning the status quo. I knew traditional medicine wasn’t going to bring in the answers I sought, and that ignited my curiosity for healing in the spiritual world.

But my path hasn’t always been smooth! In fact, it felt incredibly lonely many times.
The journey to embrace my light and connect to myself wasn’t easy! In fact, it's been one of the hardest yet most rewarding things I have achieved.

The fire within me chose to shine brighter and brighter.
And I now fully embrace and connect to my divine cosmic nature. I am here now as your Connection Queen guiding you to build a stronger connection with your soul-self so you start showing up as your true authentic self.

So here is my journey!

a little bit sweet
A little bit salty

Hi! I am

Morning affirmations, yoga, cuddles with my adorable son and dog + sexy husband, coffee + toast, and good skincare.

daily rituals

On calls with my delightful clients, making dinner, walking with my dog and son, painting.


Beating around the bush, perfectionism, gossip, complaining and cold food, unless its ice cream ;).


Straight talk, showing kindness, short emails, focus, and cutting out the 'meh' to make room for the very best.


I am the Connection Queen, scientifically trained but spiritually led! I am here to serve women like you who feel stuck in their lives that appear perfect to the world.
It’s time to kick out that self-critic and say goodbye to the self-doubt. It’s time to fully connecting and loving all parts of you and your emotions. My inner maverick is here to support yours!!

I am here to guide you through a journey to create an authentic connection to yourself, because it all starts with YOU!

I am qualified as an Integrative Psychotherapist, Spiritual Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Yoga teacher and a specialist Dentist to name a few. I work with many different modalities integrating the mind, body, and soul. I work with exploring your inner beliefs, connecting you to your values, and rewrite any patterns that you keep repeating. I offer you practical and easy tools that you can use in your daily lives.

“My mission is to connect you to your soul’s light so that you can live your most authentic and happy life filled with deep meaningful connections. Let me be the sun and warmth for the garden of your soul to bloom.”

My superpower is to guide you to tap into your inner strength, connecting you to your soul so you can show up unapologetically as your unique self.
Blooming into a life of happiness!

Shamed for being “too much” I was forced to believe my inner fire had to be dim or be a certain way to be loved and accepted. Living by what I “should” be doing was very uncomfortable. My inner maverick was lonely, disconnected, often misunderstood and I struggled to show up authentically. But magic began when I connected and embraced my inner maverick. When I accepted beauty in my own uniqueness.

Are YOU ready to re-connect to YOU?

Work With Me

The good life project




Good vibes, good life




Firefly Lane



My Favourite Things

Comedy movies and spreading smiles! 

Ice cream. Need I say more?! ;)

my guilty pleasure

Crystals, flowers and getting lost in the sound of music.

My Favorite Things

Travelling. especially to Italy! Well, you can't beat the gelato and pasta there.

my happy place!

The beach! It's my zone of serenity where all of my best ideas happen. Oh, and there is always gelato on site *wink*

Handbags and floral dresses. I'm a designer handbag loving girl and have a closet of full of floral or bright colour dresses. Hey, we all have our passions in life. 



Night Owl







Early Bird

no topsheet


Ice Cream


Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree? 

This      That


“Aditi's guidance has changed my outlook on work and life. I now have a sense of direction”


so they say:

Life's left you feeling deflated and disconnected?
Take the first steps towards reigniting the connection to yourself.
Get the Ultimate Workbook for Connecting to Your Fire below.

My Ultimate Workbook For Connecting To Your FIRE!

Better than Free Ice Cream!

and stop feeling "Meh"

let's work together

As Elsa says “Show up for yourself, step into your power; throw yourself into something you. You are the one you have been waiting for all of your life” (Well technically her mum said the last part, but still…it's one and the same!)

Did we just become best friends?